A Barksdale Inc. Company
Instruments & Controls for Rotating Equipment in Demanding Applications


- 监视器和扫描仪
- 数字转速表
- 有源磁传感器
- 无源可变磁阻



Since 2007



Instruments & Controls for Rotating Equipment in Demanding Applications
Dynalco Authorized Distributor Dynalco


美国德纳科Dynalco公司 1968年创立,有三种产品,以及为石油和天然气工业生产工程解决方案的目标。自那以后的47年里,Dynalco因其在石油和天然气、化学、电力、海洋和建筑行业使用的高质量的仪器和控制而得到认可。Dynalco设计和制造高度工程坚固,可靠的,第三方的监测,控制和往复式发动机,蒸汽涡轮机,燃气涡轮机,泵和输送系统的保护认证仪表。我们为一个在石油和天然气,化工/过程,建筑业及越野设备,交通运输,发电,船舶,采矿,水和废水市场的客户和工厂自动化等。

Dynalco was started in 1968, with three products and a goal of producing engineered solutions for the oil and gas industries. In the 47 years since, Dynalco has become a worldwide industry leader, recognized for its high-quality instruments and controls used in the oil & gas, chemical, power, marine and construction industries.



We,Barksdale Control Products, are a manufacturer dulu organized under the aapopriate laws and having manufacturing in Los Angeles California, USA and Reichelsheim Germany.We hereby authorize CNMEC Beijing duly organized under the laws of China and having its principal place of business purchase and resell barksdale and Dynalco products to General machinery industry all sales and service.

巴士德控制产品公司是一家依法注册的美国公司,在美国及德国建有生产基地。我们在此授权在中国注册的 信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 在 通用机械 领域从事 Barksdale和Dynalco产品的经营,包括销售和服务工作。




Dynalco is recognized for its high-quality instruments and controls for rotating equipment used in the oil and gas, chemical, construction, power, marine, transportation, mining, water, and factory automation markets. Dynalco公司在石油天然气、化工、建筑、电力、海洋、运输、采矿、水和工厂自动化市场中使用的旋转设备提供高质量仪器和控制而获得认可。

About Us

2011年10月,Dynalco Controls与我们的姊妹公司Barksdale Controls合并,现在是Barksdale品牌之一。 Dynalco成立于1968年,最初提供三种产品,目标是为石油和天然气行业生产工程解决方案。 此后的47年中,Dynalco以其在石油和天然气,化学,电力,船舶和建筑行业中使用的高质量仪器和控制装置而得到认可。 In October 2011 Dynalco Controls was merged with our sister company Barksdale Controls and is now one of the Barksdale brands. Dynalco was started in 1968, with three products and a goal of producing engineered solutions for the oil and gas industries. In the 47 years since, Dynalco has become a worldwide industry leader, recognized for its high-quality instruments and controls used in the oil & gas, chemical, power, marine and construction industries.

We are a CRANE CO. Company based in the U.S.

自1994年以来,Barksdale和Dynalco品牌已成为Crane Co.家族的一部分。 Crane Co.是一家总部位于康涅狄格州斯坦福德的上市公司(CR-NYSE)。 在2015年,Crane庆祝了160年来持续的业务运营,在整个Crane Company中,我们仍然像1855年一样恪守RT Crane的承诺: Since 1994, Barksdale and the Dynalco brand has been part of the Crane Co. family. Crane Co., is a publicly held (CR-NYSE) corporation headquartered in Stamford, CT. In 2015, Crane celebrated 160 years of continuous business operations, and throughout Crane Co., we remain as committed to R.T. Crane's words today as we were in 1855:

Crane Founder:“我决心以严格的诚实和公平来开展业务; 避免所有欺骗和欺骗行为; 与客户和竞争对手公平交易; 放任自流,公正对待员工; 并全神贯注于业务。” Crane Founder“I am resolved to conduct my business in the strictest honesty and fairness; to avoid all deception and trickery; to deal fairly with both customers and competitors; to be liberal and just toward employees; and to put my whole mind upon the business.”

这种道德准则是我们用来衡量自己的基准,它指导我们所做的一切。 This code of ethics is the benchmark we use to measure ourselves, and it guides us in all we do.

Barksdale Manufacturing and Operational Excellence

Barksdale自豪地接受了Crane的卓越运营计划和理念。 通过应用六西格码(Six Sigma)和精益制造技术,Dynalco拥有出色的质量,按时交货和制造性能统计数据,我们很高兴与客户分享。 我们位于加利福尼亚洛杉矶的原始制造工厂随时可供您检查和批准。 如果您访问我们的设施,您将看到以下卓越运营计划的示例: Barksdale is proud to embrace Crane’s Operational Excellence Programs and philosophies. Through the application of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing techniques, Dynalco boasts excellent quality, on-time delivery and manufacturing performance statistics which we are happy to share with our clients. Our pristine manufacturing facilities in Los Angeles, California is always available for your inspection and approval. Should you visit our facilities, you will see the following examples of our Operational Excellence programs:


Employee Work Cell production areas operating under a “Lean” operating environment.
Cells incorporate visual controls, performance metrics, and work instructions that allow them to be successful in our high mix, low-volume manufacturing environment.
A fully integrated production facility with in-house production capabilities to produce the entire product solution from pc board assembly all the way through final product assembly.
A fully flexible and cross-trained workforce, which allows for flexible and agile production capabilities allowing us to respond to changes in market demand quickly and efficiently.
Continuous improvement is produced through employee involvement in all aspects of the manufacturing process, from product sourcing all the way through on-time delivery.

We invite you to visit our facility in California as we are always “Tour-Ready”.



美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

电话:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
手机:139 101 22694
传真:010-8428 8762

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Since 2007 Strong Distribution & Powerful Partnerships